Quick Pics -- Fall/Winter 1999-2000

Email from Carl
March 2000
Have scanner at last! Finally went out and dropped
the $100 and bought an HP scanner. Yea!!

Of course I have a big scanning project in mind,
and have not sat down to finish it.

New Toy syndrome - I did an initial batch, and
got my immediate needs taken care of - and then
everything came to a screetching halt.

Well here on this page are the first few pics. There's more coming soon. Soon? Well, hopefully...

Here is one of Carl on the
first day in 2000, taken
by Zak - at Newport R.I.
Amiel and Zak, off to school, Fall 1999
No prizes for guessing who these great guys are
(left and below) but...

WHERE were they?


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