Jupacami - 2007

Christmas greetings from Jessie-Granny-Ma
December 2007

Very special greetings from Jessie
to faraway family and friends.

Jessie has been delighted to receive many letters, emails
and cards this year and she takes great interest in all the news
from family and friends.

Sadly Jessie has not been able to write back to everyone individually.
She would love to do so, if she could, but her declining health makes
it too difficult.

Jessie's spirit remains incredibly strong but her heart, lungs
and limbs are very weak. She needs to use oxygen much of the time
and moving more than a few steps needs a wheelchair.

Happily Jessie is still living in her own flat (apartment) with help
from very nice home-care nurses and frequent visits from family and
friends, most of all from Lindsay who is fantastically kind and
fortunately lives close by, as do four of Jessie's wonderful
grandchildren. Mish often comes from Johannesburg for a few
days, both Jules (Australia) and Carl (USA) made longer visits
in September-October. Jules is staying with Jessie over Christmas,
while Mish, Colleen and Temba are expected for New Year,
and Carl and family in February.

The photos here show Jessie in her apartment on Christmas
morning with Laura and Jeff (pic above) and with Laura, Jules,
Lindsay and Jeff (pic below).

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