Jules' pics - 2005

Visit to Colleen, Mish, Shingi and Temba
January 2005

It was wonderful to see Mish's smiling face above the milling crowds of the Johannesburg international airport. Even better to spend a day and a half with him and Colleen and Shingi and Temba at their lovely home on the Kensington hillside.

All four of them have perpetually busy schedules: work, school, extra study activities, sports, scouts, social functions and much more. Nevertheless they made sure there was time for the things I would enjoy most, so kind!

Special-for-Jules included including relaxing in their garden, all rainy-season green and full of birds, and a welcome walk up and down the hilly neighbourhood streets to view the wide expanse of the city spread around old mine dumps in the distance, then a visit to their friends and a look around the older quarter of the inner city.

Our city experience included a remarkable exhibition of photos of Mozambique and a museum with far more fascinating exhibits than we could possibly take in, plus a small street market with irresistable African bead work displayed on the cobbled pavement among many more mundane items.

We concluded the day at Moyo, an African themed restaurant, enjoying all sorts of treats from different parts of Africa. During the meal there was great entertainment too, including a live band led by an amazing tap dancing guitarist, a gentle strolling mbira player and a face painting artist. You can see her handiwork below.

And so... from Jules
to Mish, Colleen,
Shingi and Temba!

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