News from Mish, April '98

(Just a short excerpt from family email)

Mish wrote from Johannesburg at the beginning of April, 1998...

After finishing the Saturday morning shopping and savouring a nice cup of Malawian coffee, I find myself home alone - amazing. Colleen is doing her bit at a school function, Temba is at a birthday party, and Shingi is off on a day hike with the school environment club. So I thought I should say hello and howzit and fill you in on a bit of news.

We are about to roll into Easter holiday season, our kids break for school holidays next Thursday. Nice late summer days, warm but not too hot most of the time. Not planning any major trips but we do aim to make another trip to our favourite caves at Cathedral Peak in the Drakensberg towards the end of the month.

Had a great weekend down at Midmar recently, I told some of you about that - great sailing all weekend, relaxing camping by the lake shore, and Shingi and I had the fun of swimming the Golden Mile which went very well. I aim to put some pictures of this and other stuff on the family website soon - will let you know.

[Hey! Just managed to get a
couple of pics ready now - have a look. More later.]

Colleen has been doing well as her own boss since taking the package at Macmillan a few months ago, working just as hard as before but more flexible hours, more focused than before and much less frustrated.

She is still running her big Maths project down at UCT which is producing books at quite a rate now, she's also writing bits of books herself, and providing some nice high-end consultancy to publishers. She is in quite some demand and of course now able to work for any and all the publishers. She is managing to delegate some of the work to others, and also has a potential partner who is sharing some of the work.

In spite of all the work she is also spending more time with the kids which is great for everyone. She has got them going on music lessons again and Temba is doing great stuff on the piano, Shingi on the guitar. Lots of after-school stuff - music, art, swimming lessons - but at least all nice and close to home, they can walk by themselves.

Praxis gave me quite a few new grey hairs over the last six months or so, particularly as my department doubled in size and my "main man" Louis decided to go overseas instead of getting locked into major responsibilities as support manager.

But I am glad to say it looks as though the light I saw at the end of the tunnel a month or two ago wasn't an oncoming train, and things are looking quite bright. My department is now called the Outsourcing Department - we have a total of 18 people in the dept, including four outsourcing teams covering network and user support, new system implementation, and Internet/Intranet development.

My media stuff is growing - perhaps too much, but as the rules of the game seem to be either grow or shrink, I haven't yet said no. As from next week my computer show on the radio goes weekly. The column in the paper and on the web ( is fortnightly but only about 600 words - though as some famous guy said, it tends to take longer to write a short piece than a long one. My articles on Microsoft "wanting the whole damn bakery" have generated a bit of interest.

We also had some fun running part of a Wits University course on IT - covering the networking section, it was great to see how much depth and breadth of knowledge Praxis has now.

We are still talking about fixing up our house here and extending it to make more space, not making much progress except that we have done most of a nice refurbishment of our bedroom cupboards.

Talking of that, time to go and sand two more cupboard doors!


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