Hans and Jessie's Anniversary Album

How to contribute to this album

We're planning to add lots more stories and pictures to this family album, and invite all family members and friends to contribute too. It should be a mega-album by the time we celebrate Hans and Jessie's sixtieth Wedding Anniversary in 2007!

We can easily convert your words and pictures to electronic "pages". You don't need a computer or a typewriter or a scanner -- a pen or pencil is fine!

If you have stories, recollections or comments to share, please write them down. Write on paper or on a computer, whichever is more convenient for you.

If you have photos or drawings, send us a spare print if possible. If you get your pictures scanned -- do this only if it is convenient for you -- then you can send us a picture file in JPG (jpeg) format.

Of course photocopies of newspaper cuttings, articles and other items of interest would be welcome too.

Send your contributions by post to:

Julia Hazel
PO Box 257
Ballina NSW 2478

or email to Julia Hazel jules@jupacami.net

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