Fieldwork volunteers - frequently asked questions
Photos below are from previous field work sessions.

Pictures and text copyright
© 2004-2005 Julia Hazel

What work will volunteers do?

Helping with operating the boat, loading and unloading, steering and keeping watch for turtles, other wildlife, and vessels, entering data on sighting sheets. Occasionally helping to castch, lift and hold turtles briefly while a transmitter is fitted.

Do volunteers need boating qualifications?

Boat experience will be very helpful, not essential provided you are keen to learn.

Do volunteers need diving qualifications?

This project does not involve diving. Occasionally there are opportunities for snorkelling.

What about expenses?

I can refund some local transport expenses for regular volunteers in Moreton Bay. Unfortunately I am unable to pay for long distance travel. Volunteers don't get paid for their time, nor do I.

If I want to volunteer, what do I do next?

Please read How to apply

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