Hans and Jessie's Children and Grandchildren

As Mish said in his anniversary message to Hans and Jessie, their pride in their children is as legendary as the interest they take in their four "kids" -- Julia, Paul, Carl and Mish.

Their first grandchild arrived in 1975 (historic picture on the left!) and they now have eight grandchildren -- Marc, Jeff, Laura, Cathy, Shingi, Temba, Zak and Amiel.

Below is a quick who's who of "the kids" and their families. Each has their own section in the family album where you'll find more stories and pics being added from time to time. Look for links to those sections below.


Shingi and Temba in school uniforms, 1997 Mish and Colleen live in Kensington, Gauteng. That's a suburb of Johannesburg, South Africa.

They have two sons, Shingi who is 10, and Temba who is 7. Both go to Sacred Heart College, and enjoy sports and computer games.

Shingi and Temba in school uniforms, 1997
Mish and family have their own part of this web site.


Carl and Colleen were married on Sept 24, 1997, and live in Mount Vernon, New York, USA.

Carl's two sons, Zak and Amiel, live with their Mom, Lybia Ma, nearby and spend much time back and forth to both households and schools. Zak is in 2nd Grade at Bronxville School, and Amiel goes to Nursery School each day. He’ll be in kindergarten at Zak’s school from 1998.

There's more about Carl and family in their section of this web site.


Paul and Lindsay live on Mayfield Ave in Rondebosch, a suburb of Cape Town, South Africa, with their four children, Marc, Jeff, Laura, and Cathy.

Their recently renovated house is beautiful, big, and one hundred percent busy with the comings and goings of the whole family. Yet they warmly welcome a constant stream of visitors - friends from up the road, cousins from the Karoo, siblings from the other side of the world... and yet more friends and relatives from everywhere.

Paul and Lindsay and family have their own part of this web site where you'll find more of their news.


Jules lives on her boat Jeshan, calls Australia home, and has a post office box as her "permanent address". She built much of this web site while at anchor in various places along the south east coast of Queensland.

Jules is going to set up her own part of this web site "one of these days".

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